Book an appointment.

Coaching is where the rubber meets the road on the drive toward self-optimization in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Yes, you can take these principles on solo, but the transformation process is much more enriching and expedient when you partner with a coach.

We offer two types of coaching sessions:

BJJ Framework Training

BJJ Framework Training is a principle-based approach to training Jiu Jitsu that uses the martial art to catalyze personal and professional growth. All programming is completely customized to the student. Trainees have used this program to:

  • Become more adept at handling personal and professional transitions

  • Become more resilient to challenging circumstances

  • Become more receptive and empathic

  • Become more self-authoring and driven

In addition to weekly Zoom meetings, participants receive custom training programs, accountability, and footage review. Trainees can pay a la carte, or purchase four monthly sessions at a 20 percent discount ($160 in savings).

BJJ Private Lesson

Private lessons consist of an hour of technical and principle-based instruction as determined by the trainee. We can focused on more minute or macro elements of your game and, if interested, discuss possible implications for your performance at large.